About This Website

This website is hosted by Google Sites, without any cost to me. Since we all know that Google (and its parent Alphabet), is not an altruistic, not-for-profit entity, we can assume they derive some sort of benefit from this business model and may track your web activity. I am fine with this since I believe in capitalism and its benefits for society. However, I also believe in individual privacy and transparency, which is not always the case with internet-based companies. I do not derive any revenue or benefit from monetizing this website; it is offered free of charge and I don't care about tracking your clicks. I do not host advertisers or get money from affiliates.

Since Google probably tracks all your activity on Google-owned web services and sells it to advertisers, you should probably assume that is the case with this website as well. I have no control over this, so I would offer some suggestions if you are concerned about your privacy:

Additionally, since I am adding comment capability using Disqus (also without cost to me), you can assume they have similar tracking motivations. Please be aware of this if you provide comments on articles here.

Finally, I have provided numerous links to other web resources. At the time of publication, I believed that these sites are "safe" and free from malicious content. However, almost any website can be hacked by bad actors and become dangerous. Most modern browsers offer some protection against this, but you may want to consider additional protections, such as those offered by Norton Web Safe.

I have posted this in an effort to be clear that I have no interest in what you do on the internet and I wish more websites were open about this. Unfortunately, very few are. So use this website (and all others for that matter) at your own risk and exercise reasonable caution.

If you copy content from this site, attribution would be appreciated.Â